Kiss Your Office Goodbye, We’re Making Room for Storage Lockers
Route 22 Redefined: Declining Office Buildings Rebirthed as Self-storage Facility”
According to a recent article by Mike Deak of, the once-thriving office buildings along Route 22 in Bridgewater are seeing an unexpected metamorphosis. Landowners Vytautas Paulius and the 713 Company have submitted plans to the local Zoning Board of Adjustment to replace a two-story office building with a 129,827-square-foot self-storage facility. This significant change predicates the need for multiple variances, including floor area ratio, impervious coverage, and building height. In Bridgewater’s suburban sprawl, the age of office buildings is making way for the era of self-storage.
Undoubtedly, this development will stir varied reactions across the community. Will the demands of the 21st century consign historical suburban office buildings to the annals of the past, replacing them with multi-story self-storage facilities? Only time will tell.
For the full report of this fascinating shift in Bridgewater’s townscape [Click Here]
Summary: This article reviews a shift in Bridgewater’s townscape where suburban office buildings are making way for self-storage facilities. Despite variances, local landowners have submitted plans for this substantial development along Route 22. With the decline of office buildings, the emerging era of self-storage units marks a significant transition in suburban land use.
Mike Deak, reporter for (@mycentraljersey)
Vytautas Paulius, local landowner
713 Company, local landowner